Get Rid of Kidney Stones within 10 Days
Millet is approved, common and really amazing food to treat kidneys. Many people confirmed that millet help them to cure their kidneys. In the traditional medicine it is used as natural remedy for the treatment of urolithiasis (formation of stones in the urine and urinary tract). Effectively cleans kidneys, eliminate send and slime, removes small stones from the kidneys and bladder, helps with women’s diseases and treat cystitis.Otherwise, millet is one of the most popular cereals that has a high nutritional value and medicinal properties.
In this article we present you a truly amazing and effective Russian recipe that will help you in cleaning kidneys, secretion of mucus, sand and small stones.
Recipe for eliminating kidneys stones:
In the evening: 1 cup (200 grams) of millet rinse in warm water. Put the millet in a jar (3 liter) and pour it with hot boiled water. Cover it and shake it well, wrap it in a warm towel and leave it to stay overnight. Shake it again in the morning. You will notice a white opaque liquid in the jar. That is the cure. You can take this remedy during the day without limitation, in any quantity, at any time
In the evening prepare a new portion for the next day. You should take this cure for 10-15 days.
The result: After 10-15 days the stone will be melt and you will throw it out with urine and the kidneys will be cleaned of sand, mucus and stones. Millet eliminates the inflammation, renewal the kidney tissue and organs of the urinary tract.
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